Thursday 18th January saw Robotics researchers from across the University of Leeds campus come together to learn more about the inspiring work being carried out by post-graduate students. Almost 20 students gave flash presentations to a strict 3 minute time limit with prizes for the best presentation as voted for by attendees. An additional prize...
The Robots for Resilient Infrastructure Robotic Challenge Event took place on 27 to 28 June at Weetwood Hall, Leeds, as part of the UK Robotics Week 2017, to showcase the current state-of-the-art of robotics for infrastructure through a packed programme of talks and demonstrations. The event brought together over 80 academics, industry, policy makers and...
Ten of the most advanced infrastructure robots and systems currrently in development will be put to the test later this month at the UK Robotics Week Resilient Infrastructure Challenge event in Leeds.
A prototype robotic sleeve, which can wrap around a weak heart before synchronising with its natural motion to help it keep beating, has been developed by an international team of engineers.
Robots operating in pipes, on lamp posts, flying over power lines and on train tracks will be key to identifying future infrastructure issues, saving money and keeping countries efficient.
Robots rarely get a good press. They’re either turning rogue, trying to control the human race as in The Matrix, or wreaking a path of destruction to kill the hero in Will Smith’s I, Robot.
The University of Leeds is leading a pioneering £4.2m national infrastructure research project with the vision of creating self-repairing cities.
Researchers at the University of Leeds are taking part in a project to develop ways to wirelessly "beam" power into robots and other digital systems.